Newsflash: This Is Not Okay

This BBC article about the controversy of an Australian mayor in a small mining town suggesting that “with five blokes to every girl, may I suggest that beauty-disadvantaged women should proceed to Mount Isa” is my newest please-tell-me-someone-did-not-really-say-that moment. It could just be a mishap, right? No. There’s more.

“Quite often you will see walking down the street a lass who is not so attractive with a wide smile on her face. Whether it is recollection of something previous or anticipation for the next evening, there is a degree of happiness. […] Some, in other places in Australia, need to proceed to Mount Isa where happiness awaits. Really, beauty is only skin deep. Isn’t there a fairy tale about an ugly duckling that evolves into a beautiful swan?”

It takes my breath away. I seriously wonder when people will realize that their gender-related comments are offensive. There are some very simple ways to evaluate this. For example, before speaking, replace the word ‘women’ (or ‘girls’ or ‘lasses’ or whatever poorly chosen synonym you have in mind) with ‘Blacks’ or ‘Jews’ or ‘Native Americans’ or ‘Veterans’ or even ‘Republicans’ and ask yourself, “Would this be an appropriate comment?” If the answer is no, or if there is any sort of hesitation whatsoever on your part as to the appropriateness of your comment, then don’t say it! If this method does not work, chances are that you have Severe Issues and need to be removed from society until such a time as you can be taught basic human decency.

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