Riding The Vomit Comet: Cornell Flux-Pinning Microgravity Experiment
It’s no secret that I was terribly jealous this summer when Joseph, Laura, and the rest of the Cornell Flux-Pinning Microgravity Team got to fly on the Vomit Comet with their experiment. But now you and I can watch a little of what we missed: My favorite moment is around 1:45. 😉
Apollo 11 Launch Anniversary
Being an aerospace engineer and all-around astronut, I’ve been getting very excited about the 40th anniversary of the Apollo 11 mission. I hear about all kinds of things through Joseph since he is working at Johnson Space Center this summer, but following NASA, Buzz Aldrin and various other astronauts on Twitter has also revealed some nice ways to celebrate.
Using Geany With g95
As part of my research, I’ve recently started developing in Fortran (because TAMU’s IBM-powered supercomputer doesn’t support Matlab, thereby breaking my heart) in an Ubuntu environment. After some Googling about, I settled on g95 for my compiler, installed it, and started looking around for an IDE, mostly to (hopefully) force myself into keeping some sensible […]